Dr. Gopal Raman Sharma is a Nepalese neurosurgeon and professor and head of department of Neurosciences, Nepal Mediciti Hospital, Sainbu, Bhaisepati, Lalitpur as well as chief consultant neurosurgeon at Dirghayu Guru Hospital & Research Center Pvt Ltd, Mitrapark , Chabahil. Formerly he was professor of department of Neurosurgery at National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Bir Hospital, and visiting professor of Nepal Medical College, Atterkhel, Jorpati, Kathmandu. Dr. Sharma graduated in medicine and surgery from Institute of Medicine (IOM),TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal in 1990. In 1991, he joined Nepal Government job and worked in remote districts for two years, then was transferred to Bir Hospital and started working at the Department of Neurosurgery. He went to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), Karachi, Pakistan and completed his neurosurgical residency. In 2000, he was awarded with Master Degree (MS) in Neurosurgery by Karachi University, Pakistan.
After that, he returned to Nepal and started practicing neurosurgery at Department of Neurosurgery,NAMS, Bir Hospital. He did fellowship in neurovascular surgery from Kurume University, Japan in 2010. In 2013, he completed Neurovascular training at Department of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University , Finland. He has been awarded with Fellowship (FICS) in Neurosurgery by International College of Surgeons, USA in 2014. In 2017 he has been recognised as International Fellow of American Association of Neurological Surgeons (IFAANS) by AANS, USA.
Dr. Sharma has been actively involved in clinical as well as academic activities. His area of interest is neurovascular and skull base surgery. He has performed more than 18000 major neurosurgical procedures successfully till to this date. He has already carried out more than 500 microsurgical clipping of cerebral aneurysms and more than 50 cerebral AVM excision with excellent results.
Dr. Sharma has attended more than 100 national and international neurosurgical conferences and presented more than 135 scientific papers. He has delivered 44 guest lectures on cerebral aneurysm, AVMs, skull base tumor surgeries and chaired many scientific sessions. He has actively organized & participated in many neurosurgical workshop.
Dr. Sharma has already published more than 70 peer reviewed articles in national and international neurosurgical journals.
Dr. Sharma has been awarded with “OV Jooma Gold Medal (1997)”, “Birendra – Aishwarya Medal (2001)”, “B & B Best Paper Award (2002)” and “Best Doctor of the Year Award (2007) and (2011)” by NAMS, Bir Hospital. This year, 2017, he was decorated by medal " PRABAL JANASEWASHREE" by Honorable President of Nepal.
Dr. Sharma is a life member of Nepal Medical Association (NMA), Society of Surgeons of Nepal (SSN), Founder and life member of Nepalese Society of Neurosurgeons (NESON), Member of World Federation of Neurosurgeons (WFNS), Member of European Neurosurgical Society (EANS), Member of Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) and Member of American Association of Neurosurgical Society (AANS). He has recently received membership of AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Chapter, Vascular Neurosurgery Section of EANS.
To promote Neurovascular surgery and to encourage young neurosurgeons of Nepal, Dr. Sharma has founded “ Gopal Raman Sharma Neurovascular Oration” and “Gopal Raman Sharma young Neurosrugeon” award in 2020. Young Neurosurgeon award will be distributed for best paper in National Congress of NESON each year. Similary, Neurovascular oration medal will be awarded to national or international neurosurgeon who has significant contributions in the field of Neurovascular sugery.
Dr. Sharma is Past President of Nepalese Society of Neurosurgeons (NESON) and Past General Secretary of South Asian Association of Neurosurgical Society (SAANS). He chaired neurovascular chapter of NESON from 2017 to 2020. In future, Dr. Sharma is planning to establish subspeciality services of neurosurgery in Nepal.